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I have high expectations of all my students when it comes to behavior in class.  Healthful Living and Physical Education classes will rotate on a three week basis.  Fitness for Life classes will meet on a regular A/B day schedule.  Our classes will offer lots of opportunity for discussions, sharing, and exercising.  At no time, will disrespect of others be tolerated as we all here to Support our Fellow Falcons.  My students are expected to embrace the diversity that each class will offer and realize that although we do not all share the same views and opinions, each are unique to us as individuals.  Failure to exhibit this behavior will result in parental contact  and a write up. Disruptive behavior of any kind is not tolerated at any time.  We will focus on Optimizing Our Opportunities while we are in class.  This means the following, but not limited to, behavior is prohibited: talking without permission during instructional time, cursing, throwing objects, getting out of your seat, disobeying directives, inappropriate comments, invading teachers desk and personal space, rude behavior toward teacher and others, and use of cell phones.  I expect students to Appropriately Respond to questions asked to them and request made of them by adults on campus.  We will Respect Our Community by making sure that trash is thrown away in the trash cans around campus and around desk in the classroom. 

* Per Freshmen Academy policy, all Healthful Living homework will be placed in homework box by 9:00 A.M. the day it is due.

* Cellphones will not be used in class.  Failure to adhere to this policy will result in cell phone being confiscated and returned to student at the end of the class period. 

* Students will respect peers.  I do not tolerate any language or actions that demeans other students based off their religion, gender, race, sex, class, sexuality, gender identity, or political stance.

* Each student is expected to come to class prepared with pen, pencil, notebook, folders, etc as well as clothes to dress out in for physical activity classes. 

* If you are late or absent from class, it is YOUR responsibility to check with me, classmates, or the class website for assignments or information missed.

*Bathroom use will be allowed at teacher's discretion.  

* Excessive Tardies will result in lunch detention, parental contact, and potentially an office referral.

* Sleeping in Class is PROHIBITED.

I welcome the opportunity for students and parents to discuss with me any concerns or struggles they may be occurring in class.  I understand that communication is key for everyone's  success and I am available before school, and via emails. 




To help maintain a safe, clean, and healthy environment for everyone, it is important to abide by the following Locker Room policies for Jordan High School.:


  1. Fighting, horseplay, wrestling, or actions that involve physically harming another students or one’s self are PROHIBITED


  1. Instigating and/or filming a fight, wrestling; slap boxing is also PROHIBITED 


  1. Properly use the facilities.  Turn running water off.  Paper towels and toilet paper should be used as directed and placed in their proper receptacles. (i.e. toilet and trash cans.)  Do not place paper towels in the toilet. 


  1. Respect the property of others. 


  1. No stealing or going through any belongings that do not belong to you. 


  1. No smoking OR VAPING


  1. Only water bottles are permitted.  No Food or other beverages.


  1. No writing or leaving graffiti of any sorts on the lockers, benches, walls, etc.


  1. Only leave the lock on your locker during YOUR class period.  Items left in lockers will be removed and either placed in the trash or lost and found. 


  1. All items in the locker room are your responsibility.  The Health and PE Department is not responsible for lost, stolen or misplaced items. 

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